1997 Sicilian University Championship University athletes from 180 countries worldwide participated. |
Stromboli An active volcano dating back as far as 100,000 years ago that rises 926 meters above sea level. Stromboli also a very charming seaside resort with well-organized tourist facilities. |
The Steeple of Messina's Cathedral The steeple was reconstructed after the earthquake using Valenti's design. The original dates back to the XVI century. It contains all the symbols of the Vespers: the lion represents the Sicilian people as winners of the struggle against Pope Martin IV and King Charles of Anjou; the cockerel represents the Angioini and the Guelfi and Dina and Clarenza the Vesper's heroines. |
Tommaso Aloisio Juvarra He was Filippo Juvara's (architect), the King of Naples engraver, nephew. In 1859, he was the Italian Kingdom Engraving institute director and painted the first Sicilian stamp |
Salvemini's Library The founder's wife Minervini, died in the 1908 earthquake in Messina. It is managed by the Salvemini Institute and houses 6,000 books. The library is located in via Lepanto, 7 in the Palazzo Bisazza |
Archimede Fu un geniale inventore, uno tra i pił grandi matematici dell'antichitą con interesse per diversi settori della fisica. |
VII Centenario dei Vespri Siciliani |
E-mail: baeli@messinacitymap.com